Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Spanking Shakespeare
Sam Griffith 813

The main character, Shakespeare no not famous poet and playwright but instead your common high school senior with drunk parents, is currently on the hunt to, “get laid.”  It is mentioned throughout the beginning of the book and the book details on how he satisfies the urge to get laid. Sex turns out to be one of the key issues in this book.

This issue first appears when speaking about his experience with masturbation. It explains that at times he fills the need he has for sex with masturbation. It explains an early story of how at camp he would hump the walls of the pool and got a great feeling from it. He was teased for this by older kids and became scared to do something such as this for a long time before in high school it became a well-known goal for all boys at his school to get laid.

The second time this issue reappeared was on page 33 where he created a list of girls he could have sex with. It listed from the least possible to the most possible. This just shows how focused he is on getting laid.  For a quick writing assignment he even wrote a fake article on “Sex preparation class” a comical article about a class similar to SAT training class, This shows that maybe having sex may be more of a focus then getting into college.

Sex is an issue that has followed Shakespeare for all of his life. And in high school his interest in it seems to have sky rocketed. As the book goes on, things start to become more and more revolved around Shakespeare’s sex life.     

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